News: Lux Interna about new album and „Dark Dreams/Viral Visions“ – Autumn Equinox 2020
Zitat der News von Lux Interna: „Greetings from the brave new world of an increasingly unmoored America! Wherever you may

Zitat der News von Lux Interna:
„Greetings from the brave new world of an increasingly unmoored America! Wherever you may be, I do hope this finds each of you well—despite all the vitriol and volatility that 2020 keeps throwing at us.
Kathryn and I had planned on making these posts in a more regular rhythm, but a host of unexpected events—not least of all a road trip from California to New York and back again…more on that later—temporarily stymied our good intentions. But now we’re back; and for better or worse, updates will be made on a much more regular basis. On that note, I want to extend a mea cupla for any unanswered emails over the last few months. We sincerely love hearing from you and promise to be better at responding in a timely manner.
There’s been a lot of movement in the various and sundry projects that we’re current involved with: music, scholarship, visual art, outreach, etc. At the moment, we’d like to share two updates with you
There’s a new blog entry that treats a chapter I penned for a forthcoming Routledge book, Pandemic, Ecology, Theology: Perspectives on COVID-19 and The Dark, Too, Blooms and Sings, an interpretive short film that Kathryn produced in dialogue with the piece for a series of exhibitions that took place in San Francisco with the artist collective, Collective Genus, over Labor Day Weekend.
The new album. Damn. It’s been a long time coming. And the whole global pandemic thing slowed us down considerably. But we finally broke down, said pandemic be damned, packed up our masks, hand sanitizer, and apotropaic charms, changed out of our pajamas, and headed out on a coast to coast road trip to (almost) finish mixing 60 minutes of new music with the inimitable Doug White at Watchmen Studios in rural upstate NY. Especially given the state of things, it was an amazing and at times, anxiety-ridden experience. We took the back roads, stayed in some of the most desolate places we could find, were blessed with help from some kindhearted souls, and made it there and back safely with a treasure chest of new stories. All is well and we feel grateful for the adventure after sheltering in place for several months!
We don’t have a concrete release date yet, but other than a final mastering, the only thing left to be completed is the final string mix, which I’m happy to say will be done this autumn at by the one and only Kris Force at Knob Snob Studios in Pacifica, CA. It’s been a hard won fight and we are downright giddy with anticipation about releasing the album. It picks up where There is Light in the Body, There is Blood in the Sun left off, but then moves into some new and exciting territory; I’ve never felt so strong about a release. And the lineup is stellar—but more on that in the next update.
In closing, as a little ode to moving into the time of longer nights, I’d like to share with ya’ll an improvised (and imperfect) duet with a train that I played somewhere in the fields of western Nebraska.“