
News: DISTANT release first song and video, “Exofilth”

Century Media Records is thrilled to team up with DISTANT, the multinational juggernaut that emerged from Rotterdam, The Netherlands

News: DISTANT release first song and video, “Exofilth”

Century Media Records is thrilled to team up with DISTANT, the multinational juggernaut that emerged from Rotterdam, The Netherlands as well as from Bratislava, Slovakia.

Dive headfirst into darkness and enjoy “Exofilth”.


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In the past the band has been playing shows all over the world including but not limited to Chaos and Carnage with LORNA SHORE, SUICIDE SILENCE, Carnifex, Upon A Burning Body and AngelMaker (USA) and supporting their friends in LORNA SHORE in the UK.
The future looks bright with a packed schedule already:

Upcoming shows and festivals in Germany:
17.09.2022 (DE) Stuttgart – CoreFest

On tour with Decapitated, Despised Icon, Oceano and Viscera:
29.10.2022 (DE) Hannover – Faust
30.10.2022 (DE) Wiesbaden – Schlachthof
09.11.2022 (DE) München – Backstage
15.11.2022 (DE) Leipzig – Felsenkeller
16.11.2022 (DE) Berlin – SO36
17.11.2022 (DE) Hamburg – Gruenspan
19.11.2022 (DE) Bochum – Matrix

Quelle/Copyright: Head of PR/Century Media