
HAKEN – launch „1985“ playthrough

  Haken recently returned from a triumphant appearance on Cruise To The Edge in the US, and now have

HAKEN – launch „1985“ playthrough



Haken recently returned from a triumphant appearance on Cruise To The Edge in the US, and now have their sights set on their 10th anniversary European tour which starts later this month. In advance of that, the band have launched a special playthrough video with guitarist Charlie Griffiths which you can see now here


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‚Haken X‘ Tour 2017

1st April – Keller Klub, Stuttgart, Germany

7th April – Beatpol, Dresden, Germany
9th April – Chez Heinz, Hannover, Germany
10th April – Kesselhaus, Wiesbaden, Germany
11th April – Turock, Essen, Germany