
News: BETHLEHEM – Single „An gestrandeten Sinnen“ online

Bethlehem’s Jürgen Bartsch prefers to let his music alone do the talking. And he’s right. What words could be

News: BETHLEHEM – Single „An gestrandeten Sinnen“ online

Bethlehem’s Jürgen Bartsch prefers to let his music alone do the talking. And he’s right. What words could be a harder punch in the face than the music of ‚An gestrandeten Sinnen‘ itself? Bartsch knows this and just says with a sarcastic grin: ‚Dying is more beautiful with Bethlehem‘

Listen to Bethlehem’s newest track – the 2nd single from the upcoming album “Lebe dich leer”

‚An Gestrandeten Sinnen‘


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Quelle: Prophecy Productions