
news: BOTANIST plant first single ‚Angel’s Trumpet‘ and sow details of new album „VIII: Selenotrope“

Plant-based metal avant-gardists BOTANIST have planted the new track ‚Angel’s Tumpet‘, named after the highly toxic and hallucinogenic nightshade

news: BOTANIST plant first single ‚Angel’s Trumpet‘ and sow details of new album „VIII: Selenotrope“

Plant-based metal avant-gardists BOTANIST have planted the new track ‚Angel’s Tumpet‘, named after the highly toxic and hallucinogenic nightshade shrub as the first single taken from their forthcoming album „VIII: Selenotrope“, which has been sowed now in order to bloom on the release date May 19, 2023.


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BOTANIST comment: „The notion of a ‚Selenotrope‘, a plant that only blooms in moonlight, was in the mental vault since 2016, as were the drums that I had recorded for when the day came“, mastermind Otrebor writes. „The added solitude of the lockdown, in addition to the solitude that I normally prefer, was the conduit to entering this new place in the Verdant Realm. After I completed tracking, I sent the session to Dan Swanö, with whom I had already loved working for the ‚Photosynthesis album. Dan felt that ‚Angel’s Trumpet‘ was the album’s banger. So here it is to introduce you to the nocturnal floral world of ‚VIII: Selenotrope‘.

Quelle & ©: Prophecy Productions