
News: ‚Burn In Hell‘ with DANKO JONES

Over the years, the acclaimed Canadian hard rock trio DANKO JONES has famously sweat blood, given the finger and

News: ‚Burn In Hell‘ with DANKO JONES

Over the years, the acclaimed Canadian hard rock trio DANKO JONES has famously sweat blood, given the finger and thought bad thoughts. Today, they add to their inimitable legacy of piss and vinegar with Burn In Hell, a swaggering dose of garage-filtered boogie rock that serves as the second preview of the group’s as-yet-untitled new album, which will be released in the spring



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DANKO JONES on tour in Europe:
(with Prima Donna)

22 Nov    Hamburg, DE – Markthalle (SOLD OUT)
23 Nov    Erfurt, DE – Stadtgarten

26 Nov    Stuttgart, DE – Longhorn

7 Dec    Solothurn, CH – Kofmel
8 Dec    Lindau, DE – Club Vaudeville
9 Dec    Munster, DE – Skaters Palace

12 Dec    Wiesbaden, DE – Schlachthof
13 Dec    Saarbrucken, DE – Garage
14 Dec    Hannover, DE – Faust (SOLD OUT)

Tickets for all shows:


Quelle: Head Of PR