
news: ‚FOLTERKAMMER‘ sign to CM & release BDSM-inspired-Track ‚DAS PEITSCHENGEDICHT‘

To celebrate their new signing, FOLTERKAMMER released a BDSM-inspired single, „Das Peitschengedicht“, which pays homage to the empowerment of

news: ‚FOLTERKAMMER‘ sign to CM & release BDSM-inspired-Track ‚DAS PEITSCHENGEDICHT‘

To celebrate their new signing, FOLTERKAMMER released a BDSM-inspired single, „Das Peitschengedicht“, which pays homage to the empowerment of whip-wielding Femdoms. The song is accompanied by a mesmerizing lyric video crafted by Folterkammer’s own drummer and video director, Brendan McGowan.

This single is a precursor to the band’s forthcoming album, a follow-up to their 2020 debut, ‚Die Lederpredigt.‘ The new record continues the journey of blending modern black metal and classical music elements, resulting in an avant-garde sonic experience. Frontwoman and vocalist Andromeda Anarchia takes center stage, weaving her classically trained opera vocals with infernal screams, creating a whirlwind of ethereal chaos.


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