
news: Herman Rarebell & Friends – new video/single „Love Is A Battlefield“ online

It’s been some quite turbulent time in the world most recently. And, yes, how much one can equal so

news: Herman Rarebell & Friends – new video/single „Love Is A Battlefield“ online

It’s been some quite turbulent time in the world most recently. And, yes, how much one can equal so many processes in global happenings with your very personal lives. Just like love relationships. Not always easy. The dearest Pat Benatar put this seemingly simple, but then all too complex topic into a fantastic anthem back in 1983: “Love Is A Battlefield”. 

Our very version of “Love Is A Battlefield” features my fantastic live band in the video clip which is out today. Have a look at the clip right here:


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The countdown is ticking and less than 1,5 months away we will be celebrating the release of our full length album “What About Love?”.

As CD digipac, as colored (crystal clear) vinyl and surely digital as well, we will be unveiling a special box set version shortly, too.


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