
news: KINIT HER present new single ‚Without Ending‘

KINIT HER present the last single ‚Without Ending‘ taken from the American symbolist post-folk collective’s final album „The Nature

news: KINIT HER present new single ‚Without Ending‘

KINIT HER present the last single ‚Without Ending‘ taken from the American symbolist post-folk collective’s final album „The Nature Out There“, which is chalked up for release on December 15, 2023.


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The artists comment: „This song embodies one of the central fascinations of Kinit Her: the paradox of infinitude“, singer and electronic sound-designer Nathaniel Ritter points out. „The verses of the song speak about how our mundane experiences, confined within the apparent borders of the infinity that is the true reality, must be sacrificed in order to even just glimpse a scintilla of that ultimate paradox. Reality itself begins again and again without ending, and so we too must ever begin without ending our quest of reunion.“

Quelle & ©: Prophecy Productions