
news: Satan Takes A Holiday „Satanism“ nichts ist wie es scheint, „Feel My Love“-Clip online

Satan Takes A Holiday will release their upcoming album “Satanism” in Spring 2023 on Swedish label Despotz. The Swedish

news: Satan Takes A Holiday „Satanism“ nichts ist wie es scheint, „Feel My Love“-Clip online

Satan Takes A Holiday will release their upcoming album “Satanism” in Spring 2023 on Swedish label Despotz. The Swedish stalwarts headed into the revered Studio Ingrid with Johan Gustafsonn (The Hives, Randy) and long-time collaborator Alexander Idfalk to reignite the flames behind their mix of rock’n’roll and 60’s garage with their love for dark contemporary pop.

Video -„Feel My Love“


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28.04. SATAN TAKES A HOLIDAY – „Satanism“ (Despotz Records/Rough Trade)

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