
News: Secrets Of The Moon premiere ‚Veronica’s Room‘ video: First single from „Black House“ out now

Watch ‚Veronica’s Room‘ now following this or this link and feel free to share! Secrets Of The Moon’s seventh

News: Secrets Of The Moon premiere ‚Veronica’s Room‘ video: First single from „Black House“ out now

Watch ‚Veronica’s Room‘ now following this or this link and feel free to share!

Secrets Of The Moon’s seventh album Black House comes out on April 10th. Today, we’d like to share ‚Veronica’s Room‘ with you, the first of three advance singles!
The song is now also available on all music streaming platforms.


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Black House is embedded into a strong and extensive visual concept, comprising both a sophisticated artwork (best displayed in the artbook edition) and video clips of each album track. The visuals pivot on nine artefacts – abstract references to the lyrics and the general feelings of the songs – which serve as a golden thread spun throughout and create a visceral world around, respectively within the Black House. Filmed, directed and designed by infamous French artists Metastazis (Led Zeppelin, Morbid Angel, Ulver) and Dehn Sora (Deathspell Omega, Amen Ra, Blut Aus Nord) within several months of constant work, Black House is a highly ambitious, compelling artistic synthesis.

Available as Digibook CD, gatefold LP (black and ltd. silver), artbook CD/DVD and ltd. complete box (incl. Artbook CD/DVD, LP on exclusive golden vinyl, Live In Bitterfeld exclusively on CD, a backpatch and two posters).

Quelle. ProphecyProductions