
SONS OF APOLLO – launch ‘Alive’ video

SONS OF APOLLO–former Dream Theater members Mike Portnoy and Derek Sherinian, Ron „Bumblefoot“ Thal (ex-Guns N’ Roses), Billy Sheehan

SONS OF APOLLO – launch ‘Alive’ video

SONS OF APOLLO–former Dream Theater members Mike Portnoy and Derek Sherinian, Ron „Bumblefoot“ Thal (ex-Guns N’ Roses), Billy Sheehan (The Winery Dogs, Mr. Big, David Lee Roth) and Jeff Scott Soto (ex-Journey, ex-Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force)—released the Vicente Cordero-directed video today for ‘Alive’ from their highly anticipated debut album,’Psychotic Symphony’.


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Quelle: HeadOfPR